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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wolfgang "Two Sides Live!!" pics

Last March 19,Wolfgang rocks the Music Museum with their highly anticipated concert "Two Sides Live!".The band performed with both electric and acoustic sets,their brother-band Razorback also performed.These are some of the pics.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

God Fearing or God loving

This subject came across my mind a few days back,now as a believer of Christ before I do some actions or make decisions whether small or big decision there always a question that pops into my mind is this right ?

When I was young I and whenever i misbehaved the elders will always tell me “lagot ka,magagalit ang Diyos”(beware,God will get angry)ok there’s nothing wrong with that. My point is ,are we being religious or legalistic?Most of the time people introduce God to their children as scarecrow and not as a loving father to all of us thus making a lot of people run away from Him.

And now here’s the question for us are we God fearing or God loving?? In my own point of view I rather be called God loving than God fearing not that I’m not afraid of our Creator ,of course we should have this godly fear because He is a just God.But now there’s a different mindset and these questions that pops into my mind whenever I’ll do something ,will this hurt my Lord and will this action bring glory to His name??
*****photo from internet*****

.044 kg of meat

This morning I went to a local grocery store to buy some meat (pork, beef and chicken) and some vegetables. As I’ve arrived there I was third on the queue, then I saw this (rich acting) lady who arrogantly orders her meat from the butcher and as I have my turn I’ve noticed that she wanted her pork be on the exact weight. But in buying meat there is no exact weight there is always a discrepancy of .050-.10 kg.She asked for 1.5kg of sliced pork belly but the cut given to her was around 1.61 kg which made her a bit irritated,she asked the butcher to cut one piece of the sliced pork but the butcher told her that it can’t be done because of the grocery policy then she insisted to get her a smaller piece.After that she ordered 1.5kg pork ribs from another guy from different stall and the whole rib weighed at 1.448 kg then asked the guy to chopped it to her desired cut.Upon receiving the bag of ribs the lady doubted that the weight was right so she asked the other staff to weigh it again but this time the scale tips at 1.404 so there’s a difference of .044.The lady got mad and asked the other staff why is it that less ?And the staff have the same answer that when the whole portion of meat was chopped there is a very minimum portion of that meat that were eliminated from the chopping block like the saw dust from the bones and some ligaments/fats.Until the time that I left the area the said lady still argues with the staff and even scolded the guy who weighed the said ribs.

My point here is how greedy a man can be ?With the micro portion of meat an individual can create such a big distress to another person.A mere grocery employee is defenseless against a difficult customer that can also cost him his job.As I witnessed this my heart melts and felt really sad.
*****photo from the internet*****

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Francis Magalona "Sultan Of Pinoy Rap"

Last March 6,2009 the Philippines lost a jewel,the Sultan of Pinoy Rap Francis Magalona passed away.
Francis M is an icon and a music legend who spearheaded the rap music genre in the Philippines during the late 80’s and early 90’s.He opened the doors for local rap artists and he is also the first filipino to merge rap with rock.His music has a very distinct elements as he composed songs with positive and patriotic messages.Not only that he is a creative genius,he is an actor,a host,a great photographer ,a businessman.But what I admired most in this person was being a great husband and father.

I will always remember Francis because of the song”Mga Kababayan”,as it surged to the charts in 1990 every body knows the dance craze called “the running man” including me.And the song “Kaleidoscope World” which is a staple in my ipod together with “ Super Proxy” and” Bow Wow Wow”.

The Master Rapper a true cultural icon ,will be missed but his legacy will stay in the hearts of the Filipinos.