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Thursday, March 12, 2009

God Fearing or God loving

This subject came across my mind a few days back,now as a believer of Christ before I do some actions or make decisions whether small or big decision there always a question that pops into my mind is this right ?

When I was young I and whenever i misbehaved the elders will always tell me “lagot ka,magagalit ang Diyos”(beware,God will get angry)ok there’s nothing wrong with that. My point is ,are we being religious or legalistic?Most of the time people introduce God to their children as scarecrow and not as a loving father to all of us thus making a lot of people run away from Him.

And now here’s the question for us are we God fearing or God loving?? In my own point of view I rather be called God loving than God fearing not that I’m not afraid of our Creator ,of course we should have this godly fear because He is a just God.But now there’s a different mindset and these questions that pops into my mind whenever I’ll do something ,will this hurt my Lord and will this action bring glory to His name??
*****photo from internet*****

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