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Friday, November 20, 2009

My Saigon pics.......

The historic Caravelle Hotel

Bourdain was here and so was I...

Fabulous lacquerwares

President Clinton ate here

Pham Ngu Lao late afternoon

some vintage cars 50's car
helmets galore

my window view

busy Pham Ngu Lao

New World Hotel(Clinton stayed here)

Another hotel view

Colorful art

Saigon City Hall

T-55 Soviet tank(Reunification Palace)

The Post Office

Saigon Square(Greenhills of Vietnam)


M-47 Walker Bulldog(Cu-chi)

Cu-chi tunnel


Firing the AK-47

Hotel Majestic

Coconut water

Posh mall-The Saigon centre


Uncle Ho's legacy

Notre Dame Cathedral

Coiled smoke

Cho Binh Tay(Chinatown)

A-1 Skyraider

Museum's Agent Orange Section

M-48 Patton

Street of Pham Ngu lao

Ben Thanh Market

Who wants to be a millonaire??

These were some of the photographs taken during my recent visit in Saigon Vietnam

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